Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Education

During my midwifery training I took the opportunity to complete my hypnobirthing practitioner qualification with Judith Flood from the Association of Hypnobirthing Midwives (AHBM). Hypnobirthing is an amazing tool that using that helps women and their birth partners to stay calm, confident and in control during birth. Hypnobirthing uses breathing, relaxation, hypnosis techniques and positive mindset to aid the process of birth to be natural and empowering. Hypnobirthing allows women to be free of fear and tension allowing their birthing bodies to do what they are perfectly designed to do. I am passionate about sharing the tools and techniques that will help women relax and prepare them for a calm and empowering birth.

Laura’s Review
During my pregnancy I attended the pregnancy yoga class every week. I felt relaxed after every class. Nicola is a fantastic instructor and such a lovely person. It was great getting to know the other ladies in class. I also recommend the hypnobirthing and antenatal classes she runs that I attended with my husband. We both felt confident we could make informed choices for labour. Because of the classes I managed to have a water birth with minimal intervention. I’ll be forever grateful to Nicola for sharing her knowledge with us

My antenatal education course that compliments the hypnobirthing course provides lots of practical information that will help to prepare you for birth and the first few weeks with your new baby.


  • The womb and how it works to birth your baby
  • Signs, stages and coping during birthing
  • Different types of births
  • Role of the birth partner
  • Induction of birth
  • Birth wish lists
  • First few days with a newborn: Examinations, feeding, sleeping, practical and coping skills
  • Physical changes for mum following birth
  • And much more….

Gaby, Jacob & baby Indi’s Review
Myself and my partner would highly recommend Nicola’s hypnobirthing and antenatal course. The sessions were packed full of great techniques to help you through your labour, including some that your birthing partner can help you with. We found these particulary meaningful and helped my body focus on what it needed to do. We were also informed about the choices we had for birth and given great advice for the 4th trimester. Nicola delivered the course with alovely hands on approach, filled with wonderful knowledge. We came out of the course feeling excited about giving birth and confident about raising our baby girl Indi.

The workshops are designed for you and your birth partner or you are welcome to attend alone.

Courses can run in groups or can be provided on a 1:1 basis please contact for prices and further information.

I am passionate about sharing the tools and techniques that will help you relax and prepare for a calm and empowering birth and look forward to working with you soon.

 I am registered with FEDANT – the Federation of Antenatal Educators which means you are entitled to time off work to attend! I can provide my registration number to your employer upon request.
